Getting Here
Planning your trip to the Hudson Theatre? Find out how to get here with our directions, transport and location information.
Where is the Hudson Theatre?
Hudson Theatre is located in Times Square and is easily accessible by car and taxi, as well as by multiple bus and subway lines. You’ll find us on 44th Street between Broadway and 6th Avenue, just a short walk away from the Rockefeller Center.
141 West 44th Street (between Broadway & 6th Avenue), New York, NY 10036
Street Map
The map on the right shows the streets, major landmarks, and subway stops around Hudson Theatre. To calculate walking distances, allow 10-15 minutes of walking for each Avenue block or every 5 street blocks.
Public Transportation
For bus or public transportation information, visit the website for the MTA/NYCTA.
Driving Directions
For driving directions and maps, visit Google Maps. The closest parking lot is Meyers Parking, 146 West 44th St, New York, (212) 997-7690.
Box Office
Show tickets are available online and from the box office, located at 141 West 44th Street. Book now and start planning your Hudson Theatre visit.